Lake Side White | Lake Anna Winery

Lake Side White | Lake Anna Winery


This wine is 90% Seyval Blanc, 5% Chardonnay, and 5% Gewurtztraminer making it a semi-sweet wine with a tropical fruity flavor and a hint of zesty lemon. It was fermented and aged in stainless steel prior bottling.

Pairings: Pork Tenderloin, Turkey Patties, Balsamic Roast Beef, Spicy Shrimp, White Lasagna, Turkey Enchilada, Baked Brie, Chips and Mango Salsa, Spicy Pretzels, or Tropical Mango Fruit Cake

  • Body: Light

  • Acidity: Medium

  • Sweetness: Sweet

  • Tannin: Low

  • Region: Spotsylvania County, 

                    Virginia, USA

  • MSRP: $19.00

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About the Vineyard

Lake Anna Winery was established in 1981 while, Bill Heidig, owner and winemaker, was on a business trip in France. While in France, Bill noticed that the climate and soil were very similar to those of his farm in Spotsylvania, Virginia farm, soon after a winery was in progress. The first planting of vineyards was in 1983, which consisted of Seyval Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay wine. Lake Anna Winery philosophy is simple; “At Lake Anna Winery, we strive to create a wide palette of diverse wines to accommodate an equally wide range of diverse palates and settings. There is no perfect wine for all situations, only perfect times for all wines. We invite you to delve into our cellar, try our offerings and explore the world through our wine-colored glasses.”

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