VineDication is an exclusive wine club based in the Washington, DC area

Are you looking for a wine club to expand your palate? VineDication is a one-of-a-kind wine club that sources wines, aperitifs, and digestifs from small batch vineyards all over the world. As a wine club member, you can host your own wine tasting in the comfort of your own home. It’s an ideal way to receive handcrafted wines that otherwise would be unavailable at your local wine shop. We do the visiting and the tasting for you: your personal sommelier goes to vineyards all over the world in search of the most exceptional hidden gem wines. We source our wines from many vineyards that do not ship to the Washington, DC, area, so our wine club can help you reach the unreachable. Impress your friends with our unique pairings or treat yourself!

Is VineDication a local DC-metro area business?

Yes! When you buy locally, you’re supporting the DC Metro area. Also, you have the best shipping times since we’re shipping locally.

If you do not live in the DC area, don’t worry we have most of you covered! Currently, we ship to 46 states!

You can take our wine preference quiz and get a personal insight into your preferred tastes and improve your range of wines. For example, if you’re someone who doesn’t like a sweet wine, we can still introduce you to a rose, as many are quite dry and can be very delightful for a person who prefers bolder wines. Discover your wine preference when you join our Washington, DC wine club today!